VELUX Transform

»VELUX Transform is a custom type system that provides both visual identity and legibility in many different languages, media and circumstances«

»The design space covers an area of Display with a lot of asymmetri, features and details, as well as an area of Text with space-saving more formal characteristics«

»VELUX Transform is a semi-serif as a way of representing the logotype within any written text & still be a functional, modern (mostly) sans serif. A reflection of the logotype more than a repetition«

»VELUX Transform covers Latin, Greek & Cyrillic. Derived from the Latin written logotype in respect of different construction of letters. A balance between concept and nature of scripts«

»The Greek Alphabet share letters with both Latin & Cyrillic, but some writing styles and thereby features natural to ex. Latin are unfamiliar to Greek. This balance has been taking into account so the scripts share identity, but stay true to their origin«

»Cyrillic, as well as Latin and Greek, has been designed as part of the concept and impression of VELUX, but with emphasis on the natural construction of the script«

»As well as different scripts, the alphabets are used for many different languages that present different frequency & combinations of letters. It is always the most interesting part of typeface design – will the identity be present in any written word or text in any given language?«

»Different tasks require different numbers & the variety can be implemented into any typeface. Type is a tool used everyday within a company and any automation is helpful & an important part of customisation«

Typeface: VELUX Transform
Client: VELUX
Agency: Loop Associates
Cyrillic consultant: Vera Evstafieva
Greek consultant: Kostas Bartsokas
Design date: 2022
Contact: Trine Rask