»The DBU typeface integrates the history in a modern, functional type system with details from the DBU seal, crafted by Thorvald Bindesbøll around 1900«

»From narrow to wide in a range of different weights, the DBU type system serves many purposes and meets criteria for various media. From compressed instagram posts to huge banners, with or without photos«

»Compact information and lists of names and numbers. Statistics, results, birthdays, anniversaries, records. An endless flow of numbers that stands in context or alone«

»DBU writes long or short text in all UPPERCASE. Slogans, scores, quotes, press releases, a constant news flow of important, impressive messages & announcements«

»A type system for any given context. A context with emphasis on the numbers and text drawing attention to the typeface or a context with good readability suppressing the attention to the typeface«

Typeface: DBU
In collaboration with Linda Hintz
Client: Dansk Boldspil-Union
Agency: Urgent.Agency
Design date: 2022
Recognition: Shortliste, CCA 2024
Contact: Trine Rask