Pakhus 47

»A revival, a new version, a typeface based on lettering, use in a different media will need an interpretation of existing letters. At Pakhus 47 the signage letters on the building was already an interpretation of the original sketch«

»One thing is to treat the existing letters properly, another thing is what to do with the non existing letters, numbers & symbols. A research into the historical period & the category of style gives possibilities, but not exact answers«

»The use and the new context will always be very important to the choices made. If the letters does not fit in the new context, if the viewer cannot read or understand it, it is not a good solution. If it is both a typeface for signage & a typeface for text, the result must meet these requirements«

»For the building the old outdoor letters were restored, while new ones were cast in bronze & patinated for the inside of the building. The beautiful craft of joining new elements with old ones is a mix of creating with the same techniques, materials & understanding the physics of aging and use. It takes knowledge, skills & experience«

»The letters must work as normal flat text and in a three dimensional version for the signage. This is not just a thicker version of the letters, but a translated version that result in the same understanding of the shape. This project is an example of a great collaboration of people with different skills that join forces & succeed«

Client: By&Havn
Project manager: Morten Olafsson
Original drawing from the archive of By&Havn, unknown originator
Design date: 2023
Contact: Trine Rask